viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

A country I'd like to visit

A place a would love to visit it's Finland, it's located in Northern Europe near countries like Sweden, Norway and Russia, other countries I’m sure I want to visit because I find it very interesting cultures. I love cold weather, I'm a winter person, so all the low temperatures that exits in there not really bother me so much, so this is one of the most important reason I love Finland, there must be an extremely beautiful landscapes full of snow that I would really like to enjoy.

Also, I think it’s a highly developed country from which we must learn a lot, especially in terms of education because it's a big reference that I hope Chile someday could implement, after many changes in our policies. Related to this, I would like to study and eventually work in Finland, learn a little bit more about their architecture, culture and custom. Otherwise, I actually enjoy so much Finland music and it would be a dream come true maybe meet one of my favorites bands in there and go to some concerts of them. I really love Finland and I hope I get there very soon and see one of the most beautiful spectacles of nature, and for this I mean the Northern Lights (mostly know it like Auroras Boreales).