domingo, 8 de enero de 2017

Political Issues

It’s time to give it the welcoming to the new year 2017, but first, it’s very important to talk about the multiple things that the 2016 left us, the good changes, and the bad changes, and I must say that the last ones were majority.

The last year was an intensive year, it makes you think about so many things which personally I didn’t take much care in the past, now it turns necessary to pay attention to this stuff, because it affects you in so many ways. Example of this was the United States election, an election that involves mostly every human being of this planet due to the influence of United States in the world. I think that with Donald Trump in authority the Americans are digging their own grave (and us too), and it’s bad, really bad, I don’t want to sound fatalistic, but it’s almost like the end of the world, represented by the living image of hatred, full of discrimination of all kinds. I really don’t know how it’s going to be this year related to Donald Trump government’s, but honestly, I expect the worst, and it’s hard to believe that behind all this we find people, people who voted for a country full of hate. It’s like we are losing the love for the humanity and became more and more individualist people every day, it’s sad, but it’s a reality. Sometimes I think that we really deserve that the planet extints somehow, that we just reach a point where it’s very difficult to go backward.

However, I do think that Chile can make the solutions that it needs, with a little bit of effort and good decisions in the future we have the posibilities to change the bad things in this country, I want to believe that we are not in the same situation as United States or another countries passing for the same issues, but maybe I’m a little blind and I really just want to believe in the good future of our country.

domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2016

English Language Challenges

First of all, I think that learn English in the University it’s more than useful, in all university careers we have to be ready to use it in some point of our lifes, I don’t think that we should keep us with our natal language, I mean, we have to know the entire world, and to know different languages it’s like the first step that you can take to know it better. I’ve always like the English classes that I have had in my educational life, when I was in the school I had very good teachers and like I said before on my first video I never had so much problems to understand the language, and I said this because I know people that lives a really nightmare when they are trying to improve their English, it’s like a torture for them because they don’t understand so easy and fast like others.

One of the things that I still need to improve in this language it’s the pronunciation, and I plan to do it in the easiest way: talking and talking. I recently read an article were they said that Chileans has problems with the English language mostly because they (we) don’t talk it for the fear to fail, this thing embarrassing us and we prefer not to talk at all, but in the other aspects of the English knowledge we are pretty good qualified. So, we have to talk! talk and practice, fail and try again, like all the things in life. In February I will going to Europe and I want to visit countries where the languages challenges me, and for this I mean that I want to practice and improve my English right on the battlefield, so I will do my best and I hope not to fail so much!

lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2016

Culture I admire

I have to say that it’s a very difficult topic to talk about because there are so many and interesting ancient cultures that I has learn from and admire. In my case it has always catch my attention the culture of Ancient Egypt, I find them very interesting and mysterious. They were a civilization of ancient Northeastern Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in what is now the modern country of Egypt. One of the most things that I admire about they is their art expressions and of course, their architecture. They have this monumental architecture like Giza Pyramid Complex on the outskirts of Cairo, one of the most know archaeological site and named one of the “Seven Wonders of the World”, and it is by far the oldest of the ancient Wonders and the only one still in existence. This pyramids has the only function to be the pharaoh’s tombs of that decades and has the magnitude of the pharaoh they lodge. One of the big mysterious nowadays about this it’s the origin of this pyramids and the way that they were built, and for this I mean if it was man’s work or something else that we don’t have idea that exist (yes, I see History Channel very much and his program Ancient Aliens haha, is another topic that excites me very much!). Related to this, another thing that I like so much about this culture is their close relationship they have to astronomy, it seems that they did most of the things guided by this, since the buildings until the agriculture work, and I think that is an incredible thing. 

I really want to travel to Egypt and see this amazing culture with my own eyes. Even when the actual Egypt it’s very different to their ancient culture, they make hard efforts to save this ancient culture because the tourism is one of their principal pillars of its economy.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016

Study Programme

Well, I’m aware that my study programme is already obsolete because there were changes this year… or the last year, honestly I don’t remember well because they talked too much about it in the last few years that I honestly think that the change was already implement. Anyway, I’ve had always being comfortable with the subjects I have to study and the way that the faculty implements it, one semester of obligatory subjects in common and other semester when you have the chance to choose your preference subjects (elective subjects), all of this separated by different areas of study: Urbanism, History, Structure and Construction. I already did all the obligatory subjects and most of the elective subjects, I’m actually dealing with the last ones this semester and I regret a little because I did not make good choices haha, I didn’t like the subjects that I took (except English! haha) and I wish that the end of the semester came soon as possible.

According to the new study programme I honestly think that are the same subjects with different and redundant names, same teachers and the same programs for each subject. However, I was agree when they changed the first year from annual to biannual, because in the past when you fail an annual subject it’s was the worst thing, really, I suffered this and that's why I'm late of my original generation, so that was a really good change in my opinion. Other good new is that you don’t have physical and math in the same semester and I think that is awesome haha.

On the other hand, I think that the buildings and the infrastructure of the faculty it’s deplorable, this make that Architecture School leave so bad impressions because the faculty is not fit for a career like this and it’s necessary more than one change in this aspect to make it appropriate. I’m about to finish all my classes here and I didn’t see any of this kind of changes in all the years I’ve been here, but I really hope that the future generations could enjoy infrastructure changes and make the necessary pressing to make this happen.

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2016


Sometimes I think that the world is turning more and more cruel every day, and I don't say it especially for the horrible killings against our genre, I mean all the violence against any kind of different people, all of this product of the racism and discrimination of our race, thing that makes me questioning: why is this happening in this century? I mean, we are supposed to be the result of evolution no? Sadly, every day I think that we only go backwards, I feel very disappointed about the world we are creating for the next generation and I feel sorry about it, because I don’t want to give to my children a world so full of hate and intolerance like the one we are living now. 

I’m a feminist because I have to be one, there’s no way in our condition of women (and men) that we can avoid this, it’s an obligation to fight for the women rights, it’s so not fair that still exists so much inequality nowadays with men, and seriously, when we call ourselves feminists it’s not like we are saying we hate men, I don’t understand that still exists an important percent of people that thinks this. I surely believe that men has rights too, but you have to know that today women are in an important disadvantage from you guys and everybody can see it and we have to stand for it and demand equal benefits. 

I really hope that the next year that is about to beginning bring more solutions about this topic. I hope that the world stop killing us, physically and mentally, and begin to respect us for who we are, an important and necessary part of this society.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

Summer holidays

Well, thanks to the couple of months we were without class in FAU, we are going to finish the semester in January, so that’s a little frustrating considering the fact that we lost an entirely month to rest. However, I’m actually very excited for this summer because I’m going to travel to Europe, to Spain specifically, but I hope to have the chance to know another countries near to Spain, like France, for example. I’m going to visit a friend that it’s going to work for a couple of months in Navarra, so I’m actually going to tourist alone the most of the time and I have to say that’s scares me a little, but I think that it’s something that you have to do in some point of your life, I imagine that travel alone gives you a little bit of experience that you would never forget.

I've heard so much about that you can easily travel around Europe, it seems that the distances are shorter than here and you can visit multiples cities in a few days, which excites me very much, maybe could be my opportunity to go to Finland! Or maybe I’m dreaming too much haha. But I swear I will try to get as far as I can, well, it depends too on the money I can save for this.

About the food topic, sadly it’s not something that excites me so much, because I suffer from a very sensitive stomach. I'm a person who gets easily sick for eat exotics foods, so I’m going to be careful about it if I don’t want to finish in the hospital and die in Europe haha it’s a joke, I hope none of this happens.

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2016

Postgraduate studies

I always wanted to study abroad, I wanted to go to another country as an exchange student but for so many reasons I couldn’t make it. However, I think it’s a wonderful experience to have the chance to meet new places and to deepen your knowledge while you are still studying Architecture here. When I finish my career here in FAU I would love to do some postgraduate study. At the beginning I wanted so much to study in Finland, because I love Finland, I think you already know haha, but then I started to search for a better destiny that takes the art of architecture a little more deeply, that’s when I realized that Germany would be a great place to deepen my architecture knowledge. I really like all the Modern Movement and Germany is quite one of the most important cradle of this, beginning with the formation of the Bauhaus, I mean wouldn’t it be great to study in the place where the most brilliant minds of Architecture have studied too?

I would like to specialize in Urbanism because I love all that it has to do with city's configurations and urban design of better spaces for the community, giving to them the possibilities to live in comfortable and healthy environments, making them sustainable places and with good projections in future.