domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2016

English Language Challenges

First of all, I think that learn English in the University it’s more than useful, in all university careers we have to be ready to use it in some point of our lifes, I don’t think that we should keep us with our natal language, I mean, we have to know the entire world, and to know different languages it’s like the first step that you can take to know it better. I’ve always like the English classes that I have had in my educational life, when I was in the school I had very good teachers and like I said before on my first video I never had so much problems to understand the language, and I said this because I know people that lives a really nightmare when they are trying to improve their English, it’s like a torture for them because they don’t understand so easy and fast like others.

One of the things that I still need to improve in this language it’s the pronunciation, and I plan to do it in the easiest way: talking and talking. I recently read an article were they said that Chileans has problems with the English language mostly because they (we) don’t talk it for the fear to fail, this thing embarrassing us and we prefer not to talk at all, but in the other aspects of the English knowledge we are pretty good qualified. So, we have to talk! talk and practice, fail and try again, like all the things in life. In February I will going to Europe and I want to visit countries where the languages challenges me, and for this I mean that I want to practice and improve my English right on the battlefield, so I will do my best and I hope not to fail so much!

1 comentario:

  1. I think one of the best ways to improve a language is on the "battlefield" because you are obligated to use it, so I think you will do it great, and I wish you all the luck in your trip :)
